
Try These Foods For Healthy Hair

Try These Foods For Healthy Hair

If you want to have healthy hair, you must be trying hard to get those precious locks. Also, you must have heard that good food gives good hair.

Here in, we tell you some amazing foods that would help you give better and healthier hair.

1. Eggs
Goes without saying, doesn't it? Rich in proteins, eggs are often used as hair masks, but did you know that eating eggs gives you better hair too? You would get proteins from it, and you would get the health benefits as well.

2. Carrots
Carrots are super-rich in Vitamin A, which is good for your hair. You can eat it raw, as salad, or you can cook them up as vegetables to go with a proper meal.

3. Beans
Beans, containing keratin, can do wonders to your hair. It ensures steady growth of your hair, and strengthens your hair too. You can either go for a soup or cook them up for lunch if you want.

4. Peas
Peas have beta-carotene, vitamin C, and proteins. Also, when it comes to eating peas, there are many options that you can choose from. You can put them in salad, eat them raw with lemon and salt, add them to your rice recipes and noodles, and can boil them with vegetables too.

5. Oats
The perfect breakfast that helps in hair growth too! There is no doubt that oats are healthy but the fact that they are good for your hair too is not widely known. Due to zinc, proteins, copper and other nutrients present in oats, your hair would love it.

Also, health of your hair is directly connected to your mood and hormones. Whenever you are stressed, you would see that you suffer hair fall and other hair problems. This is one of the many reasons that you should try and stay happy.


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