
10 Scientifically Proven Health Benefits of Meditation

Caption:Health Guru

Most of you must have read about the health benefits of meditation. Some of you probably haven’t tried practicing meditation because of the lack of scientific proof about its benefits.
Not anymore! Scientists have used scientific methods to test the meditation benefits and its correlation with the state of your body and mind.
You need not hold yourself back any longer. Meditation is one technique that brings you health and happiness without any side effects!
Meditation makes you feel better both mentally and physically. It also helps you connect to your innerself, and many use this technique for spiritual purposes.
But meditation is not only about spirituality. This is one myth that makes people shun meditation.
Meditation can also make you achieve your materialistic aim – to be happy and healthy.
Wouldn’t you enjoy your life more if you’re more attentive, calm, focused, emotionally stable, and physically immune?
Of course, you would. In fact, I’d go to the extent to say that your health and wellness is not complete without mediation as a part of your daily routine.
My best time for meditation is after I come back from my morning walks. I usually practice Transcendental Meditation because I learnt that from my father. How about you?
Well, meditation is of different types, so here’s some information to make you aware about meditation.
“Meditation is the tongue of the soul and the language of our spirit.” ~ Jeremy Taylor

What is Meditation

Meditation is the synonym for contemplation, reflection, or thinking.

Dictionary defines it as a continuous and profound contemplation or musing on a subject or series of subjects of a deep or abstruse nature.
You can say that meditation is an extended period of thought or concentration.
Meditation deals with the mind. It is in fact the act of transforming the mind.
Meditation is also defined as a practice in which an individual trains the mind or induces a mode of consciousness, either to realize some benefit or as an end in itself.
During meditation, you may experience a state of deep peace that occurs when the mind is calm and silent.
So, meditation helps you gain control over your mind and senses. Though it is true that meditation is a part of many religions, it doesn’t necessarily have to do anything with religion and philosophy.
For example, you can practice Transcendental meditation, which is all about reducing stress and making your life peaceful.
I will write about meditation along with more information about the various types of meditation in some future post.
In this post I want to emphasize on why you should start practicing mediation.
“The whole of meditation practice can be essentialized into these 3 crucial points: Bring your mind home. Release. And relax!” ~ Sogyal Rinpoche

Scientifically Proven Health Benefits of Meditation That You Should Know

Your mind is a powerful tool. I wrote a post about what is mind and what happens if you lose your mind. Meditation is a way to tame it and extract the benefits out of it.
Here is a wonderful infographic created by and based on an article by Emma Seppala, who is an authority on psychology and well-being at the Stanford University.
The infographic is titled “10 Science-based reasons to start meditating today”.

10 Science-Based Reasons To Start Meditating Today INFOGRAPHIC
 “Sometimes, simply by sitting, the soul collects wisdom.” ~ Zen Proverb
How much do you agree with this infographic?
Well, to be honest, I don’t think you’ve much to disagree when you’ve the scientific research stats and conclusions backing the meditation benefits.
Meditation is more than a remedy just to reduce your stress levels. It’s an overall balancing act that takes care of your body, mind, and soul to make your life easy.
Meditation has more tremendous health benefits than as shown in this infographic. Meditation is relaxing as it eliminates or reduces the toxic depositions of the body and the mind.
It helps regenerate the body and the mind to be more productive and successful. In fact, research shows that meditation helps in:
● Reducing stress levels and anxiety
● Eliminating depression
● Removing addiction
● Getting rid of eating disorders
● Decreasing pain and inflammation
● Reducing blood pressure
● Regulating blood sugar levels
● Improving immune system and bone density
● Increasing fertility
● Improving the skin
And may be there are more benefits that are yet to be researched and proven!
So, now that you know all the health benefits of meditation, which are proved scientifically too – what are you waiting for? Go ahead and start meditating today, if you don’t already! :)

“Prayer is when you talk to God; meditation is when you listen to God.” ~ Diana Robinson
Over to You –
Do you meditate? If you do, how many minutes do you devote to meditation daily? Do you believe that the meditation benefits can help you increase your health and happiness levels? What other benefits of mediation have you experienced? Share in the comments, and yes, if you loved this post, don't forget to follow my page for more..
                                               thanking you..


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