
People always complain that being in a long distance relationship sucks.Though its always hard to be in long distance relationship for long time but it also comes with host of benefits . Read further to know the 10 benefits of being in long distance relationship.


Both parties gets plenty of ‘ME’ time.Hey! you can even watch Cricket match or your favorite daily soap without interference.

Source: giphy.com


Not that long ago, you probably viewed your office chair as just an innocent piece of furniture. Then those headlines started popping up everywhere:
Sitting Is the New Smoking!
Sitting Disease Is on the Rise!
Stop Sitting Before It Kills You!
It turns out that your office chair is not so innocent after all.

Sitting for long periods of time has been shown to raise the risk of developing diabetes, experiencing a cardiovascular event or getting certain types of cancer.

The Health Hazards

Leading experts agree that sitting can cause as many, if not more, negative health effects as smoking. Sitting for long periods of time has been shown to raise the risk of developing diabetes, experiencing a cardiovascular event or getting certain types of cancer.


If you hop on the elliptical or treadmill and zone out for 30 minutes, your workout strategy needs adjusting — especially if your goal is to burn fat and lose weight. The good news is that you’re halfway there. If you already have the resolve to get to the gym and do your workout, all you need is one minor tweak: interval training.
Sprinting is one of the most challenging and effective workout routines for fat loss. Short periods of all-out activity challenge your muscles and energy systems to produce intense efforts much more effectively than typical steady-state cardio. By incorporating it into your existing cardio routine (in addition to regular strength training), you’ll accelerate your fat loss and reveal all the hard work you’ve been putting in at the gym.
In one 2013 study published in the journal Kinesiology, researchers had six physically active men repeat three 30-second cycling sprints and found they required more energy in the subsequent 24 hours than following 30 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise.

Cholesterol is a natural component of cell membranes, which is made by the body and also absorbed from the food we eat. Cholesterol is actually beneficial when its concentration in the blood is not excessive. It is carried in the blood by lipoproteins; HDL and LDL are lipoproteins. Regulation of cholesterol is done by altering the levels of lipoproteins in the blood. Cholesterol accelerates atherosclerosis, which causes high blood pressure. Both cholesterol and high blood pressure can be prevented naturally.
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Low-Fat Diet

Reducing your intake of fat and dietary cholesterol are great ways of lowering your cholesterol. A significant amount of cholesterol enters the body through the food we eat, so try to avoid saturated fat and trans fat. The Cleveland Clinic advises the use of olive oil in cooking most foods and the use of canola oil for most baking. Fat provides twice as many calories per gram, in comparison to carbohydrates and proteins. Weight gain results when the intake of calories exceed the amount of calories used. Calories from fat should not exceed 30 percent of total calories per day.